Thursday, June 11, 2009

4 months already?

Wow... He has grown so much since the last blog.
AJ is doing great... He is finally putting a little wieght on. This morning he was 13.2 lbs. We have found a formula that is working. He is still taking zantac twice a day for now. We have his 4 month appointment on June 26th... 4 MONTHS already!! He is rolling over and laughing all the time and has now found his hands and wants to eat them!! He is hilarious. He is definitely a daddy's boy and loves when his dad gets home in the mornings and plays with him while mommy is trying to get us ready to go. AJ is starting to hold his head up MUCH better and it wont be long before he holds up it all by himself without looking like a bobble head. He is such a happy baby and bathtime is his favorite thing. I think he is going to be a swimmer.... he is such a wiggle worm, too. Everyday I am so anxious to see what new thing he is going to do.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Alex James Mowery joined us on Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 12:14 p.m. He was 9 lbs 11 oz and 21 1/2 inches long!!! He was delivered by c-section because of his size and everything went well with the delivery. Once we got into recovery he started breathing too fast which the nurses and doctors said was common in c-section babies. A few hours later he regulated it and we started being able to feed him. The next morning, the pediatrician came in and said he was doing great. About an hour later the nurse checked him and he was breathing fast again. A doctor from the NICU came in and checked him and had him sent to the NICU on Wednesday morning. Once he was in there, he was hooked up to an iv of fluids and started on antibiotics in case of an infection. He couldnt eat because of how fast he was breathing. Thursday morning, they put in a feeding tube and started him out at 1/2 oz and increased him up to 2 oz by 6:30 pm. He also became jaundice so he was put under the lights on Thursday. Friday, he was taken off the lights and took his first bottle at his 6:30 p.m. feeding. The nurses said he did great. They want his respirations to stay under 60 and it was 59 at the latest reading. It is 7:30 p.m. now and we can go back to see him at 8. I am ready to get up there since he will have his feeding tube out and out from under the lamps so I can hold my sweet baby!!! As long as he keeps his respirations under 60 tonight, the dr said they will do his circumcision tomorrow and hopefully send us all home together on Sunday. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. We want to all go home together.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Any Day Now??

Wow, it's already the middle of January!! I have had an interesting 2009 so far and I am sure it will only intensify. Last Wednesday I told Tony before he left for work that I hadn't felt the baby move as much that day as I normally do. He has been very active for the past few months and all of a sudden he wasn't doing much. I have read so many books and posts online, I just figured it was due to him getting larger and running out of room. Well, I got up in the middle of the night and ate some cereal and thought for sure that would get him going....still nothing. When I got up the next morning, I ate a banana and drank a diet coke... That has to do it, right?? Nothing!! At this point, panic set in. I placed a call to the doctor's office and they told me to come on in. Once I got there, so much had gone through my mind, I was close to hysterics. The doctor ordered a non-stress test to monitor the baby's heartbeat. They hooked me up to these 2 bands, one for baby and one for me. Then I heard the most wonderful sound ever... AJ's heartbeat... 160 bpm. Then he started moving.. .what a relief!!!
Let's rewind a bit. When Tony got home at 4 that morning I told him I thought I was having contractions. They were 7 minutes apart. Then, I thought surely it's just Braxton Hicks or something.
Back to the NST. The doctor noticed on the results from the NST that I was contracting. I was sent down to labor and delivery for closer observation. After a few minutes of being hooked up, they came in and gave me a shot of Trebutaline to stop the contractions since they were about every 2-3 minutes. They spread out to about every 4. The nurse gave me another shot. The still were about every 4-5. Then the nurse gave me the last shot as they can only give 3 shots of Trebutaline. Now they were about every 5-7 minutes, but still there. After a quick check of the ole cervix and it still being closed I was sent home with a prescription of oral Trebutaline to take every 4 hours to see if we could get the contractions to subside. I took them all weekend and still having them. They are not painful just uncomfortable at the moment.
Well, I went back to the doc this morning and told her they were still coming. I have to stay on the meds until next Tuesday when I will go in for an ultrasound. I am at 34 weeks, but have measured a week ahead since 20 weeks. The doctor wants me to try to keep AJ in at least until 36 weeks. So, if the ultrasound shows he is at 36 weeks in size, I will stop the meds and await labor. If not, I will take the meds one more week, then come off of them and wait on AJ to make his appearance.
I am so thankful that he was doing good. The nurses said his heart beat was great!!!
I am now taking some time off of work, hopefully until he gets here, but especially until I can get the contractions to stop. They get much stronger when I am up and moving around, so I thought it would be best to stay home and rest as much as possible. I'm sure I'll need it soon anyway.
Anyways, so now it is just a waiting game and keeping my legs crossed. Luckily I haven't started to dilate yet, so hopefully I will keep him in another week or two. But hopefully not too much longer than that... :-)