Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How much is too much??

I had my routine appointment with my OB/GYN on Monday. Everything was fine. AJ's heart was beating at a steady 160... about where it has been since day 1. She said everything seemed good, except..... that I needed to watch my weight gain. OUCH!!! With all the back and hip problems she said that of course the more weight I gain the worse it will be. My thoughts on this are, I can't do anything fun, I have pains where I never knew pains existed, I'm being told I am huge on a daily basis, my job is completely stressing me out, I have heartburn, indigestion, constipation and diarrhea usually somehow all at the same time or very close intervals and I am starving all the time.... If I want to eat that pan of brownies, well then, I am going to eat that pan of brownies.. YES, the entire pan if I feel like it!! Isn't this the only time in a woman's life where she doesn't have to worry about her weight?? I'm sure I will be so busy once AJ gets here, I won't have time to eat as much. I know it's going to be hard to get it all off, but right now, if it sounds good.. then I'll eat it. HAHA. But, I go back in two weeks for my glucose test. I can't wait for that. (YEAH RIGHT). Other than that, my blood pressure was good, I am still measuring a week ahead of my original due date of Feb 23, so maybe I don't have as long as I think. If I am, that's only 14 weeks 4 days left or 103 days..... After the glucose appointment, I believe I start going every two weeks since I will be 27 weeks along...YAY, third trimester! It seems to be flying by in a way and creeping along at the same time. I am sure that the holidays will make it fly by. I am so ready to hold little baby AJ!!! I can't wait to see what he will look like, and act like. Will he have my features or Tony's?? Tony was an unbelievably cute kid, so either way he will be adorable. LOL! I am done rambling. It is time for bed... Stay tuned for some career news coming soon......

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Update: 24 weeks + 5 days.... and counting

It has been way too long since I have posted, so I need to update everything. First... It's a BOY!! We are so excited. His name is Alex James. My dad was Al and Tony's dad and my paw paw are James. We are going to call him AJ. He is going to be a big boy. He was almost a pound at my 20 weeks scan. Tony and were both big babies, so I can only imagine. He is very active and moving around like crazy. I love it when he makes big moves. I have felt his hiccups once and it made me laugh. I am getting ready to start on the nursery and it is so exciting. We got the crib last weekend, but that's it so far. We are going to do it in a sports theme.

As far as I go, I don't think pregnancy is my favorite thing. I am now in physical therapy twice a week for my back pain. It's nice to get in the warm pool, but I don't think it is really helping. I still have pain most every day. My feet are so swollen, I can't hardly put shoes on and they hurt so bad I have to stand on a towel to even dry my hair. Also, I have today found out that I have pregnancy gingivitis, which was no fun at the dentist when they had to do a deep cleaning. OUCH! I would seriously rather lose a pinky toe than to have to go to the dentist. HOWEVER, with all that being said, it's supposed to be worth every minute of it, right? I have gained tons of weight so far. I don't really have specific cravings, I just want to eat all the time.

An update on nana: She is doing very well. Completely cancer free and is doing great. Still sore, but much better. She is getting around better now than she was prior to the surgery it seems like. I've gone to see her twice this week and she looks great! She is such a strong woman. She said she has to make sure she's here to help with this great grand baby.