Monday, July 14, 2008

The Ultrasound

We had the ultrasound today and it was sooo exciting. The baby's heartbeat was 162. The doctor said that was great. It sounded so fast. Everything seems fine so far. My BP was great, my HcG levels were great, and the baby was itty bitty. It is absolutely amazing to see that in your belly. I don't think I enjoyed it as much as possible, because I though I was seriously going to pee on myself. They told me to come with a full bladder, and then Tony and I got lost, so we were 20 minutes late, and then we had to wait, so of course by the time it was my turn, I was about to POP! Luckily, I didn't.
So, take a look at the picture and inside the dotted lines is our little baby!! AWWWWW! :-)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Exciting Saturday

Today mom bought the first item for the baby. It was just 3 onsies, but they are super cute and nuetral so we can use them for a girl or boy. I had to buy some bigger pants today too. UGH! As far as how I feel, mom and I shopped pretty much all day for everything from furniture and bedding to high chairs, strollers and baby tubs so I am pretty exhausted. I had no idea how much stuff is out there for babies. I can't wait to find out if it is a boy or girl. Baby clothes are soooo cute. If I saw one more "daddy's little girl" bib or shirt I probably would have bought it just in case. They were adorable. My moms church put a congratulations to her in the bulletin, she was so proud! I guess that's all for today.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

So tired....

I am so sleepy every day. I guess I should just try to get used to it. I was so exhausted last night, but couldnt go to sleep until after 10. That is late for me.
I also have started gagging everytime I brush my teeth... any ideas? It's horrible. It takes me forever to brush, b/c I have to stop and catch my breath after everytime that I gag.
I am so anxious about the doctors appointment on Monday. I can't wait to hear the heart beat. It's only been about 2 1/2 weeks since we found out, but I feel like I have changed so much emotionally. Not, like the crying over everything emotional stuff, but just the maternal-ness that I already feel. I can't wait to meet our baby. I wonder everyday what he/she will look like. I have a long road ahead of me wondering and waiting, but this is honestly one of the most fun times I have ever had. It's something new and even though Tony and I were not "trying" to get pregnant, I am so happy that we did.
We are currently taking suggestions on names for both girls and boys. We really like Alyssa for a girl and possibly Alex for a guy. (After my dad, AL) Any suggestions will be welcomed.

Monday, July 7, 2008

First Blog Entry.....hmmm??

I have my first ultra sound 1 week from today. I am a little nervous, but excited and can't wait to see the outcome..or hear it. :-) I just want to know that its little heart is beating and everything is ok. I am very excited about the upcoming week because all the books I have read say that the baby goes through a crazy growth spurt this week. I am still feeling good, just tired.
Max was here all weekend and we all had a good time. The long weekend was just way too short. Well, back to work...hehe!